Creativity, and imagination enlivened through the expressive arts, sparks the healing journey home.
Ouida Pihulyk
Ouida Pihulyk, BFA, MTS, D. Min, CSDS, EXAP is a spiritual director, supervisor, educator, consultant, and workshop facilitator. She runs a private practice in Spiritual Direction and the Expressive Arts and teaches this speciality at various educational institutions in the GTA. Ouida is a graduate of York University, Tyndale Seminary, and the Haliburton School of the Arts and holds memberships with both the ADTA & CD/MT (American & Canadian Dance/Movement Therapist Association). Ouida has a specialized interest in the role of culture and diversity within the therapeutic process including the impact of historical racialized trauma on mental health within BIPOC communities. Ouida believes that transformational inner healing will always include our whole self- body, mind, and spirit. |