Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are some of the reasons that people train at The CREATE Institute?
Expressive arts therapy is a new and exciting field of therapeutic practice. It emphasizes creative expression in all its forms within a collaborative process in which both therapist and client are engaged. People come to CREATE Institute to enhance their professional skills and/or to re-train as expressive arts therapists. Individuals in career transition or those who are just beginning their professional life are also attracted to the program.
2. What level of education is needed to enroll at CREATE Institute?
Admissions criteria for the CREATE Institute training program include a suitable educational background, which normally consists of a bachelor’s degree (BA, BFA, BSW) in fine arts, psychology, social work, social science, etc.
In exceptional cases, non-degree students with a thorough practical training/experience in these areas may also be considered for admission into the program, if qualified. A PLAR (Prior Learning and Assessment) framework will be used to evaluate such an applicant’s qualifications for admission. In addition, each student’s personal readiness for the program will be evaluated, on a case-by-case basis, throughout the admission process.
3. Do I need to be a professionally trained artist?
Students are not expected to be professional artists, but should demonstrate a commitment to work in some artistic medium - creative writing, dance, theatre, music, visual arts, etc.
4. How much does CREATE cost?
CREATE Tuition fees 2024-25
Domestic students $7,370 per year
International students $8,690 per year
Textbooks on the core reading list for all three years - approx. $250
Materials fee - $50 per year
Clinical Supervision
5. Can I work while I am training at CREATE?
Most students are able to work either part-time or full-time depending upon the flexibility of their jobs. In addition to one weekly class per week and one weekend per month, CREATE students engage in practicum and studio work as well as personal therapy, reading and written assignments. This averages between about 20 hours per week, from September to May.
6. What are the practicum requirements?
In each year of the program, the practicum coordinator works with each student to find the right placement situation. By engaging in a practicum, students begin to learn about reaching out to the community, as well as presenting and articulating themselves as expressive arts therapists.
We help and support students in a variety of practicum settings, some of which include special education classes in schools, child and adolescent mental health agencies, day treatment programs for adults with psychiatric disorders, addiction treatment facilities, homes for the aged, women's shelters, facilities for women dealing with eating disorder issues, hospice settings and many more. On most of these sites, students have the opportunity to work collaboratively with other helping professionals.
7. How many practicum hours are needed for the training program?
8. What happens after graduation?
After they graduate, students often move on to work in full or part-time capacities as expressive arts therapists.
Most graduates combine work at agencies, schools or other institutions with part-time private work. Some of the places where graduates are or have been employed as expressive arts therapists in the Toronto area include: YWCA, Toronto General Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, Muki-Baum Association, Central Toronto Youth Services, J.D. Griffen Centre, Sheena’s Place, Hincks-Dellcrest Centre, Bellwoods Centre, Toronto Board of Education, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Baycrest Centre, Parkdale Community Health Centre, L’Arche, Mt. Sinai Hospital. Graduates are also employed in other parts of Ontario and Canada.
9. What professional associations do Expressive Arts Therapists belong to?
CREATE Institute belongs to the Ontario Alliance of Mental Health Practitioners. CREATE students, graduates and faculty can join:
10. Can I get an academic degree from my training at CREATE?
CREATE Institute is affiliated with the European Graduate School in Saas Fee, Switzerland. Qualified students can receive advanced standing towards the Masters Degree at this institution and pursue their studies towards a degree either concurrently or after their CREATE training is completed.
11. What other options are there for training at CREATE?
Professional Development Workshop Series
Over the past few years, CREATE Institute has developed a series of Professional Development Workshops and Training with Expressive Arts. We place emphasis on experiential learning in combination with reflection on our experience to see how we can bring it into our work and our lives. CREATE Institute faculty, graduates and adjunct faculty with many years of experience facilitate the workshops and training.
This series appeals to therapists, counsellors, coaches, educators, artists and other professionals. We encourage both potential students for the CREATE program and those interested in personal growth, to join us in exploring the process of the Expressive Arts and how they shape us as both creator and witness. Previous experience in the arts may be helpful but is not required - just bring your curiosity and be ready to be surprised.
Students are not expected to be professional artists, but should demonstrate a commitment to work in some artistic medium - creative writing, dance, theatre, music, visual arts, etc.
4. How much does CREATE cost?
CREATE Tuition fees 2024-25
Domestic students $7,370 per year
International students $8,690 per year
- Tuition does not include the following:
Textbooks on the core reading list for all three years - approx. $250
Materials fee - $50 per year
Clinical Supervision
- Tuition fees can be paid in installments (per semester or quarterly). Students who are experiencing severe financial difficulty can make alternate payment arrangements with the administrator.
- CREATE Institute does not currently administer OSAP, however, students are advised to apply for student loans or line of credit with their financial institution. CREATE can assist by providing proof of enrollment and/or acceptance to the program and other necessary documents required by the financial institutions.
- Tuition fees are tax deductible.
- The Government of Canada has put EGS on the list of Designated Educational Institutions. This means that EGS students are eligible for Canadian government grants and loans.
5. Can I work while I am training at CREATE?
Most students are able to work either part-time or full-time depending upon the flexibility of their jobs. In addition to one weekly class per week and one weekend per month, CREATE students engage in practicum and studio work as well as personal therapy, reading and written assignments. This averages between about 20 hours per week, from September to May.
6. What are the practicum requirements?
In each year of the program, the practicum coordinator works with each student to find the right placement situation. By engaging in a practicum, students begin to learn about reaching out to the community, as well as presenting and articulating themselves as expressive arts therapists.
We help and support students in a variety of practicum settings, some of which include special education classes in schools, child and adolescent mental health agencies, day treatment programs for adults with psychiatric disorders, addiction treatment facilities, homes for the aged, women's shelters, facilities for women dealing with eating disorder issues, hospice settings and many more. On most of these sites, students have the opportunity to work collaboratively with other helping professionals.
7. How many practicum hours are needed for the training program?
- Total over the three years - 600 hours
- 250 hours are spent in direct client contact.
- 350 hours are spent in * supervision, planning, presentations and other activities related to the placement.
- 80 hours of supervision must be completed within the 600 hours.
- For more information on Practicum click here.
8. What happens after graduation?
After they graduate, students often move on to work in full or part-time capacities as expressive arts therapists.
Most graduates combine work at agencies, schools or other institutions with part-time private work. Some of the places where graduates are or have been employed as expressive arts therapists in the Toronto area include: YWCA, Toronto General Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, Muki-Baum Association, Central Toronto Youth Services, J.D. Griffen Centre, Sheena’s Place, Hincks-Dellcrest Centre, Bellwoods Centre, Toronto Board of Education, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Baycrest Centre, Parkdale Community Health Centre, L’Arche, Mt. Sinai Hospital. Graduates are also employed in other parts of Ontario and Canada.
9. What professional associations do Expressive Arts Therapists belong to?
CREATE Institute belongs to the Ontario Alliance of Mental Health Practitioners. CREATE students, graduates and faculty can join:
- The Ontario Expressive Arts Therapy Association (OEATA)
- The International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA)
- The Ontario Society of Psychotherapists (OSP)
- The Ontario Association of Counselors, Consultants, Psychometrists, and Psychotherapists (OACCPP)
10. Can I get an academic degree from my training at CREATE?
CREATE Institute is affiliated with the European Graduate School in Saas Fee, Switzerland. Qualified students can receive advanced standing towards the Masters Degree at this institution and pursue their studies towards a degree either concurrently or after their CREATE training is completed.
11. What other options are there for training at CREATE?
Professional Development Workshop Series
Over the past few years, CREATE Institute has developed a series of Professional Development Workshops and Training with Expressive Arts. We place emphasis on experiential learning in combination with reflection on our experience to see how we can bring it into our work and our lives. CREATE Institute faculty, graduates and adjunct faculty with many years of experience facilitate the workshops and training.
This series appeals to therapists, counsellors, coaches, educators, artists and other professionals. We encourage both potential students for the CREATE program and those interested in personal growth, to join us in exploring the process of the Expressive Arts and how they shape us as both creator and witness. Previous experience in the arts may be helpful but is not required - just bring your curiosity and be ready to be surprised.
Key Performance Indicators
The Create Institute graduates rated satisfaction in the program at 100%
Private Career College KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators ) are comprised of data from many key performance indicators as reported by a voluntary student and employer response, these include: Graduation, Employment, Graduate employment in the field of Study, Employee satisfaction ratings.
Please note due to the global pandemic many of these indicators are not normative.
Recent result - 2020
The Create Institute graduates rated satisfaction in the program at 100%
Private Career College KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators ) are comprised of data from many key performance indicators as reported by a voluntary student and employer response, these include: Graduation, Employment, Graduate employment in the field of Study, Employee satisfaction ratings.
Please note due to the global pandemic many of these indicators are not normative.
Recent result - 2020